4、2017-09至 ~,在最准三肖必出工作
[1]zhu jiyuan *; liao kaijin.Efficient and Facile Method of Preparing Superamphiphobic Surfaces on Cu Substrates, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces. 2021, 13, 37830−37839
[2]Jiyuan Zhu, Haojie Jia, Kaijin Liao, Xianxuan Li*.Improvement on corrosion resistance of micro-arc oxidized AZ91D magnesium alloy by a pore-sealing coating. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 889 (2021) 161460
[3]Jiyuan Zhu*, Kaijin Liao. A Facile Method for Preparing a Superhydrophobic Block with Rapid Reparability., Coatings 10(2020) 1202-1-11;
[4]Kaijin Liao, Jiyuan Zhu *.A Facile and Cost-Effective Method to Prepare a Robust Superhydrophobic RTV Silicone Coating, Coatings, 11(2021), 312-1-11.
[4]Zhu jiyuan *; liao kaijin. A facile and low-cost method for preparing robust superhydrophobic cement block, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020 , 250(2020) : 0-123064.
[4]Jiyuan Zhu *; Haojie Jia. A Facile Method to Prepare a Superhydrophobic Magnesium Alloy Surface, materials, 2020, 13(4007): 1-12.
[7]Jiyuan Zhu *;Jianmao Wu. One-step fabrication of an anti-corrosion superhydrophobic surface on stainless steel,Materials Research Express , 7(2020):076404
[8]Zhu jiyuan *; liao kaijin. Preparation of superhydrophobic surface with tunable adhesion on glass substrate, Materials Research Express,7(2020):076409
[9]Zhu jiyuan *;Langping Zhang, Xuanjun Dai, and Bin Zhou. One-step fabrication of a superhydrophobic copper surface by nano-silver deposition, AIP Advances,10(2020), 075111-1-5
[10]Zhu jiyuan, Xuanjun Dai * .A new model for contact angle hysteresis of superhydrophobic surface,AIP Advances,9(2019), 065309
[11] Zhu jiyuan, Xiong Jingwen, Hu Xiaofang, Wang Bingying*.Mechanical Properties and Wettability of Bagasse-reinforced Composite, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Mater.Sci.Ed, 34(2019):312-316
[12]Jiyuan Zhu*, Xuanjun Dai, and Jingwen Xiong, Study on the preparation and corrosion resistance of hydroxyapatite/stearic acid superhydrophobic composite coating on magnesium alloy surface, AIP Advances,9 (2019), 045314
[13]Jiyuan zhu*. novel fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces on aluminum substrate, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 447(2018): 363~367
[14]Jiyuan zhu*, Xiaofang Hu. A new route for fabrication of the corrosion-resistant superhydrophobic surface by milling process, Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 2018, 16(2018):49~255
[15]Jiyuan zhu*, Zigang Bai, XuanJun Dai, Baofu Sun,Fabrication of a corrosion resistant superhydrophobic surface on magnesium alloy substrate, AIP ADVANCES, 075125 (2018)
[16]Zigang Bai, Jiyuan zhu*,A facile method to fabricate a superhydrophobic surface with biomimetic structure on magnesium alloy, Materials Research Express,5(2018),066510
[17]Jiyuan zhu*, Xiaofang Hu.A new route for the preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces via milling operation, Materials Express, 8(2018)
[18]Jiyuanzhu,Xiaofanghu*.A novel route for fabrication of the corrosion-resistant superhydrophobic surface by turning operation, Surface& Coatings Technology, 2017, 313(2017):294-298.
[19]Jiyuanzhu,Xiaofanghu*. A novel and facile fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces on copper substrate via machined operation, Material Letters, 2017, 190(2017): 115-118.
[20]Jiyuanzhu,Hongriwan*, Xiaofanghu*. A rapid one-step process for the construction of corrosion-resistant bionic superhydrophobic surfaces, Organic Coating, 2016, 100(2016):56-62.
[21]Jiyuanzhu,Xiaofanghu*, et al. Low-temperature Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Switchable Adhesion Property Based on ZnONanorod Arrays,Int. J. Materials and Structural Integrity, 2016, 10( 2016):157-169.
[1] 朱继元,柏子刚,史双喜.一种快速拆装天线装置.国家发明专利 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0170944.3
[2] 朱继元;黄琼琼;代宣军;方宜堃;孙宝福;易怀安;王海雄.一种超轻高强度高集成的天伺馈装置.国家发明专利 专利号:ZL 2018 1 0200575.6
[3] 朱继元. 一种一步法制备四水合碳酸镁铵和碳酸钙复合涂层的方法.国家发明专利 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0150393.9
[4] 朱继元. 一种在镁合金表面一步合成双层复合膜的方法及得到的镁合金材料.国家发明专利 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0392073.4
[5] 朱继元. 利用碱热法在镁合金表面制备氢氧化镁与二氧化硅复合薄膜的方法及 得到的镁合金材料.国家发明专利 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0498775.0
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